CHILE  [ Back to Seismic Damage Index ]   [ Back to Country Index ]
Year Month Day Time LAT Long Dep M Tsunami Dead Casualty Damage Remarks
1906 8 17 040U -33.00 -72.00 25 8.4 T 3760 - seve Chile:Valparaiso(I=11) D=1500/20 thousand 8.1S
1922 11 11 432U -28.50 -70.00 25 8.5 T 1000 - seve Chile:Atacama D=600 8.3S 8.5W
1928 12 1 406U -35.00 -72.00 25 8.0 T 225 - seve Chile:Talca(I=10) D=218 8.0S
1929 10 19 1012U -23.00 -69.00 100 7.5   sev sev some Chile 7.4B
1930 10 17 - -32.00 -71.00 - -   1 - limi Chile:La Serena Valdivia
1933 5 14 - - - - - T some - cons Chile:Chiloe Is.
1939 1 25 332U -36.25 -72.25 - 7.8   28000 - extr Chile:[Chillan EQ](I=10) D=30 thousand 7.8S
1943 4 6 1607U -30.75 -72.00 - 7.9 T 18 - limi Chile:Illapel,Salamanca D=11 7.9S 8.2W
1945 9 13 1117U -34.20 -70.80 100 7.1   4 - some Chile/Argentina
1946 8 2 1918U -26.50 -70.50 50 7.5   2 - cons Chile 7.1S
1949 4 20 329U -38.00 -73.50 70 7.3 ? 57 - mode Chile:Angol 7.1B
1949 12 17 653U -54.00 -71.00 - 7.8   1 - limi Chile:Punta Arenas 7.7S
1949 12 17 1507U -54.00 -71.00 - 7.8 ? 3 - limi Chile 7.7S
1950 12 9 2138U -23.50 -67.50 100 8.0   4 some limi Chile/Argentina(I=7) D=1 7.7B
1953 5 6 1716U -36.50 -73.00 60 7.6 T 19 - cons Chile:Concepcion(I=10) 7.4S
1954 7 26 2015U -41.00 -73.00 - 6.5   1 - limi Chile:Osorno
1955 4 19 2024U -30.00 -72.00 - 7.0 T 1 - seve Chile:C. Chile coast D=0 6.9S
1959 6 14 012U -20.40 -69.00 83 7.4   1 - limi Chile/Bolivia 7.5B
1960 5 22 1911U -39.50 -74.50 - 9.0 T 5700 great extr Chile:[Chilean EQ] D=1743/2231 8.5S 9.5W
1960 5 23 - - - - - T many many cons Pacific:Hawaii(D=61)and other Pacific countries[Chile earthquake tsunami]
1960 5 23 411L -38.17 -72.57 0 9.5 T 142 872 D4 Chile South offshore[Chile earthquake tsunami] 8.5S 9.5W
1965 2 23 2211U -25.70 -70.50 80 7.3   1 5 limi Chile:Capiapo 7.0B
1965 3 28 1633U -32.40 -71.20 61 7.3   337 many extr Chile:La Ligua D=174/400 7.2S 7.4B
1966 12 28 818U -25.51 -70.74 23 7.8 T 3 6 some Chile:Taltal(I=8) 7.7S
1967 12 21 225U -21.80 -70.00 33 7.3 T 1 30 mode Chile 7.3S
1971 6 17 2100U -25.40 -69.06 76 7.0   1 - limi Chile:Catalina,Antofagasta(I=7) 7.2B
1971 7 9 303U -32.51 -71.21 40 7.5 T 83 447 seve Chile:Illapel,Los Vilos,La Ligua(I=9) 7.7S
1975 3 13 1526U -29.89 -71.40 28 6.9 T 2 25 limi Chile:Coquimbo(I=8)
1976 11 30 040U -20.52 -68.92 82 7.3   1 13 mode Chile-Bolivia border 7.4B
1981 10 16 325U -33.13 -73.07 33 7.2   1 3 insi Chile(casualties are due to traffic accidents ) 7.1W
1983 10 4 1852U -26.54 -70.56 15 7.3 T 5 24 cons Chile:Chanaral,Copiapo 7.6W
1985 3 3 2247U -33.14 -71.87 33 7.8 T 177 2575 seve Chile:San Antonio,Valparaiso 7.9W
1987 3 5 917U -24.39 -70.16 62 7.3 T 1 0 limi Chile:Antofagasta,Mejillones,Calama 7.5W
1987 8 8 1548U -19.02 -69.99 70 6.9   5 112 cons Chile:Arica,Iquique D=6 H=106 7.2W
1987 8 13 1523U -17.90 -70.93 37 6.4   1 1 limi Peru/Chile:Arica 6.5W
1995 7 30 511U -23.34 -70.29 46 7.3 T 3 59 mode Chile:Antofagasta small tsunami in each area in Japan 8.0W
1997 10 15 103U -30.93 -71.22 58 6.8   8 300 limi Chile:Pueblo Nuevo,Coquimbo,Lachimba 7.1W
2000 5 12 1843U -23.55 -66.45 225 6.0   1 - limi Argentina:Jujuy Province/Chile 7.2W
2001 6 23 2033U -16.26 -73.64 33 8.2 T 139 2687 cons Peru:Arequipa-Camana-Tacna area/Chile:Arica 8.4W
2001 7 24 500U -19.45 -69.26 33 6.2   1 3 limi Chile:Jaina 6.3W
2005 6 13 2244U -19.99 -69.20 116 6.8   11 200 mode Chile:Iquique,landslide 7.7W
2007 4 21 1753U -45.24 -72.65 37 6.3 T 10 - limi Chile:Puerto Aisen,rockslide(7missing) 6.2W
2007 11 14 1540U -22.25 -69.89 40 7.4 t 2 65 mode Chile:Tocopilla,Maria Elena(I=8) 7.7W
2010 2 27 634U -36.12 -72.9 23 8.5 T 547 12000 seve Chile 8.8W
2010 3 11 1439U -34.29 -71.89 11 7 t 0 0 insi Chile:Rancagua 6.9W
2012 4 17 350U -32.63 -71.37 29 6.2   1 0 limi Chile(death from shock:1) 6.7W


Search condition :  case that dead exist.