HUNGARY  [ Back to Seismic Damage Index ]   [ Back to Country Index ]
Year Month Day Time LAT Long Dep M Tsunami Dead Injured Damage Remarks
1911 7 8 102U 46.90 19.70 17 5.6   - -   Hungary(I=9)
1925 1 31 705U 47.50 20.20   5.0   - - limi Hungary:Eger(I=8-9)
1956 1 12 546U 47.50 19.30   5.8   2 36 seve Hungary:Taksony
1964 4 13 830U 45.30 18.10 32 6.0   3 100 seve Croatia/Hungary(I=8)
1985 8 15 428U 47.05 18.05 10 5.0   0 0 limi Hungary:Berhida-Peremarton area 5.1W
1989 1 27 355U 47.03 16.94 22 4.4   0 0 insi Austria/Hungary:Ajka,Vas,Zala Counties
