IRAQ  [ Back to Seismic Damage Index ]   [ Back to Country Index ]
Year Month Day Time LAT Long Dep M Tsunami Dead Casualty Damage Remarks
1900 - - - 31.90 47.20 - -   - - mode Iraq
1917 7 15 1758U 33.50 45.80 - 5.6   - - mode Iran-Iraq border
1927 11 12 1446U 32.53 47.38 - 5.6   - - mode Iran-Iraq border
1938 1 26 340U 33.10 45.90 - 5.7   - - mode Iraq-Iran border
1946 7 27 1625U 35.60 45.80 - 5.4   - - limi Iraq-Iran border
1991 7 24 945U 36.52 44.07 26 5.1   20 many mode Iraq:Arbil-Dibs area 5.5W

References of the above table