TANZANIA  [ Back to Seismic Damage Index ]   [ Back to Country Index ]
Year Month Day Time LAT Long Dep M Tsunami Dead Casualty Damage Remarks
1910 12 13 1137U -8.00 31.00 - 7.6   - -   Tanzania-Zambia-Zaire border(I=8) 7.6S
1919 5 1 506U -9.00 33.00 - 6.2   - -   Tanzania:Rungwe(I=8)
1920 3 8 - - - - -   - - some Tanzania:Mlalo
1956 1 22 1118U -4.80 28.70 n 5.6   2 - insi Tanzania:Kigoma(deaths by Seiche at lake Tanganyika)
1964 5 7 545U -4.00 34.90 33 6.1   1 19 limi Tanzania:Babati
2000 10 2 225U -7.98 30.71 34 6.7   0 6 limi Tanzania:Nkansi 6.5W
2002 5 18 1515U -2.91 33.73 10 5.5   2 - limi Tanzania:Bunda
2005 12 5 1219U -6.22 29.83 22 7.2   6 0 limi Congo-Tanzania:Kalemie 6.8W

References of the above table