UGANDA  [ Back to Seismic Damage Index ]   [ Back to Country Index ]
Year Month Day Time LAT Long Dep M Tsunami Dead Injured Damage Remarks
1945 3 18 - - 32.00 0 6.0   5 - mode Uganda:Masaka(I=9)
1960 5 4 - - 32.00 0 6.0   2 - mode Zaire:Masaka/Uganda
1966 3 20 142U 0.60 30.20 36 6.8   200 13000 cons Uganda/Zaire(Zaire,ÅD=52 H=810) D=157(I=7)
1966 5 17 703U 0.70 29.90 35 6.3   - - seve Uganda

(CR) Photos

1990 5 20 222U 5.12 32.16 15 7.1   0 0 limi Sudan:Juba/Uganda:Moyo 7.1W
1994 2 5 2334U 0.59 30.04 14 6.0   8 sev limi Uganda:Fort Portal area D=2 6.2W

(CR) Photos

References of the above table

(CR) Seismicity in Uganda