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Code Name

Structural Design Regulations for the Republic of Panama

Issued by




Horizontal Base Shear



Cs : Seismic design coefficient
W  : Total dead load and other applied partial loads given in the followings:

1. In storage, at least the 25 percent of the story live load shall be applied. It is not necessary to take into account of the story live loads of 2.5 kN/m2 for passenger vehicle in parking lots.
2. Where a reserve for partition load is included in the story design load, the actual partition weight or a minimum weight of 0.5 kN/m2 shall be applied to the floor area.
3. The total weight of the permanent equipment operation and their effective contents of the recipients.

AV : Coefficient of maximum acceleration relative to velocity (See Fig.1)
S    : Coefficient of soil profile of the building site (See Table 1)
R    : Response modification factor (See Table 2)
T    : Fundamental period of building 


Soil - Structure
The effect of soil-structure interaction, which is determined by using a generally accepted procedure and approved by a capable authority, can be incorporated in the determination of the design seismic forces and the correspondent building displacements.