4.2 Matsuoka & Midorikawa (1994)

1) Reference

M. Matsuoka and S. Midorikawa, 1994, GIS-Based Seismic Hazard Mapping Using the Digital National Land Information, Proc. 9th Japan Earthq. Eng. Symp., E-331 - E-336.


2) Formula

The relation between average shear-wave velocity of ground (AVS) and the geomorphological unit was empirically correlated to evaluate the surface soil amplification based on the geomorphological data in Digital National Land Information (DNLI). The following formula was proposed to estimate the AVS based on the geomorphological unit, altitude and distance from the river.



Table 4.2.1 Coefficient


The relation between AVS and surface soil amplification by Midorikawa et al.(1994) was used to estimate the amplification factor.