1.21 Takahashi et al. (2004)

1)      Reference

Toshimasa Takahashi, Akihiro Asano, Taketoshi Saiki, Hidenobu Okad, Kojiro Irikura, John X. Zhao, Jian Zhang, Hong K. Thio, Paul G. Somervill, Yasuhiro Fukushima and Yoshimitsu Fukushima, 2004, Attenuation Models for Response Spectra Derived from Japanese Strong-motion Records Accounting for Tectonic source Types, 13th world Conference on Earthquake engineering Vancouver, B.C., Canada August1-6, Paper No.1271.


2)      Estimated physical parameter

- Peak ground acceleration

- Acceleration response spectrum (h=5%, T=0.02 to 5.00 sec) (Horizontal))


3)      Used strong motion data

- Area: Japan, Iran, Western USA

- Type of earthquake: Crustal, Interface, Slab

- Period:

- Number of events: Japan 249, Iran and Western America 21

- Number of records: Japan 4192, Iran and Western America 208

- Magnitude: Mw>5.0

- Epicentral distance:


4)      Style of faulting

(a)   Reverse

(b)   Strike-slip

(c)    Normal


5)      Ground condition

(a)   Rock

(b)   Hard soil

(c)    Medium soil

(d)   Soft soil


6)      Definition of magnitude

Moment magnitude


7)      Definition of source distance

Source distance


8)      Definition of horizontal components

Geometric mean of two horizontal components


9)      Applicability written in the paper



10)  Empirical attenuation formula

yi,j: peak ground acceleration (PGA) (cm/s2)or 5% damped acceleration response

spectrum (cm/s2)

              T: spectral periods

              M: moment magnitude

              x: source distance (km)

              h: focal depth (km)

              SR: crustal events with a reverse-faulting mechanism and zero for all events

              SI: interface events and zero for all other events

              SS: subduction slab events and zero for all other type events

       SK: site-class term,

               SC : Rock

               SC : Hard soil

               SC : Medium soil

               SC : Soft soil

           hc: depth constant (=15km)

           δh: dummy variable (0 : h<hc, 1 : h≥hc)

           ξ: intra-event errors with zero mean and a standard deviation of σ

           η: inter-event errors with zero mean and a standard deviation of τ


[Standard Deviation]

σT: total standard error


Table 1.21-1 Coefficients for the model