4.12 Matsuoka et al. (2005)

1)      Reference

Masashi Matsuoka, Kazue Wakamatsu, Kazuo Fujimoto, and Saburoh Midorikawa, 2005, Average Shear-Wave Velocity Mapping Using Japan Engineering Geomorphologic Classification Map, Journals of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.794, pp. 239-251 (in Japanese).


2)      Used strong motion data

- Area: Japan (K-NET, KiK-net, Y-data, M-data, F-data, T-data)

- Type of earthquake:

- Period:

- Number of events:

- Number of records:

- Magnitude:


3)      Formula for estimation

The AVS30s show some dependency with altitudes, slope gradients, and distances from mountains or hills. In order to develop the estimating model of the AVS30, multivariate regression analysis is conducted using these geomorphologic indices.


              AVS30: average shear-wave velocity from surface to a depth of 30m (m/s)

              Ev: elevation (m)

              Sp: slope gradients

              Dm: distance from mountains (Pre-Tertian system, Tertian system) and hills (km)

              σ: standard deviation



Table 4.12-1 Regression coefficients