BRAZIL  [ Back to Seismic Damage Index ]   [ Back to Country Index ]
Year Month Day Time LAT Long Dep M Tsunami Dead Casualty Damage Remarks
1928 4 18 - - - - -   few - some Brazil(N.E. Coast):Uniazo,Limeira,Morada Nova
1950 3 7 803U -8.00 -71.00 550 8.6   - -   Peru/Brazil(possibly overestimated M)
1961 8 31 157U -10.50 -70.70 629 7.5   - -   Peru/Brazil 7.3B
1968 2 23 1423U -6.10 -38.40 33 4.5   1 4 limi Brazil
1986 11 30 519U -5.49 -35.77 5 4.8   0 some some Brazil:Natal-Joao Camara of Rio Grande 5.1W
1990 10 17 1430U -10.97 -70.78 599 6.7   0 0 insi Peru/Brazil:Rio Branco 6.9W
2007 12 9 203U -15.05 -44.23 10 4.9   1 6 limi Brazil:Itacarambi-Januaria-Manga area

References of the above table