CUBA  [ Back to Seismic Damage Index ]   [ Back to Country Index ]
Year Month Day Time LAT Long Dep M Tsunami Dead Casualty Damage Remarks
1932 2 3 616U 19.60 -76.50 - 5.4   8 - seve Cuba:Santiago
1947 8 7 - 19.80 -75.30 50 6.8   - - some Cuba:Santiago(Country name "Chile" in the source possibly error)
1976 2 19 1359U 19.88 -76.88 20 5.9   1 8 limi Cuba
1982 12 16 2020U 22.28 -81.41 33 4.5   0 6 limi Cuba:Havana-Matanzas-Cienfuegos area
1985 9 1 100U 19.78 -75.28 10 4.5   0 0 insi Cuba:Guantanamo 5.0W
1992 5 25 1655U 19.61 -77.87 23 6.9   0 40 limi Cuba:Pion-Manzanillo area 6.8W
