EGYPT  [ Back to Seismic Damage Index ]   [ Back to Country Index ]
Year Month Day Time LAT Long Dep M Tsunami Dead Casualty Damage Remarks
1926 6 26 - - - - -   12 -   Egypt(Lower Egypt)
1955 9 12 609U 32.20 29.60 - 6.7   18 89 mode Off Egypt D=22
1969 3 31 715U 27.60 33.90 33 7.1   2 15 mode Egypt(Red Sea):Beni-Souef,Al-Qahirah D=3 H=12
1981 11 14 905U 23.69 32.60 10 5.3   0 0 insi Egypt:Aswan(I=8) 5.8W
1987 1 2 1014U 30.69 32.15 - 4.3   0 0 insi Egypt:Ismailiya near the Suez Canal
1992 10 12 1309U 29.78 31.14 22 5.3   552 9929 cons Egypt:Dahshur(S of Old Cairo) D=545 H=6512 5.8W
1992 10 22 1739U 29.76 31.54 10 4.5   4 50 limi Egypt:Cairo aftershock
1993 8 3 1243U 28.73 34.55 10 5.8   0 0 insi Egypt/Saudi Arabia 6.1W
1995 11 22 415U 28.83 34.80 10 7.3   10 32 limi Egypt:Nuwaybi/Saiudi Arabia H=69 7.2W
1996 10 9 1310U 34.56 32.13 33 6.8   2 20 limi Cyprus/Egypt 6.8W
1998 5 28 1833U 31.40 27.67 10 5.0   0 1 insi Egypt:Cairo 5.5W

References of the above table

(CR) Report for destructive earthquake