GERMANY  [ Back to Seismic Damage Index ]   [ Back to Country Index ]
Year Month Day Time LAT Long Dep M Tsunami Dead Injured Damage Remarks
1911 11 16 2130L 48.30 9.10 15 6.1   - - some Germany:Rauhen Alb-Bodensee area(W. Swabian Jura)
1978 9 3 508U 48.29 9.01 8 5.1   - sev mode Germany(I=8) 5.2W
1983 8 2 901U 49.15 6.70 0 3.5   1 1 insi Germany/France(casualties are occurred in a mine)
1989 3 13 1302U 50.71 9.90 1 4.7   0 3 limi Germany:Ernst Thaelmann mine(rock burst)
1992 4 13 120U 51.15 5.80 21 5.2   0 45 limi Netherlands:Roermond/Germany/Belgium deaths from shock; 1 5.5W
2001 6 21 1955U 49.15 6.87 1 4.2   1 0 insi Germany:earthquake in mine(rock burst)
