KOREA  [ Back to Seismic Damage Index ]   [ Back to Country Index ]
year Month Day Time LAT Long Dep M Tsunami Dead Casualty Damage Remarks
1923 4 13 - - - - - T - -   damage by tsunami on East coast of Korea?
1936 7 3 2102U 35.20 127.60 - 5.0   0 0 limi Korea D=9
1940 8 2 008L 44.25 139.47 10 7.5 T 10 0 D3 West side of Hokkaido offshore[Shakotan-hanto peninsula offshore earthquake]/Korea(tsunami)7.5S 7.6W
1978 10 7 1819L 36.60 126.70 5 5.0   0 1 limi Korea:Chungcheongnam-do Hongseong
1983 5 26 1159L 40.36 139.08 14 7.7 T 104 163 D4 Akita Prefecture offshore [middle of the Sea of Japan earthquake]death in Korea 3 Russia 1 7.7W
1993 7 12 2217L 42.78 139.18 35 7.8 T 230 323 D5 Okushiri-to Island offshore[Southwest of Hokkaido offshore earthquake]Russia(missing:3)/Korea7.7W
