NEPAL  [ Back to Seismic Damage Index ]   [ Back to Country Index ]
Year Month Day Time LAT Long Dep M Tsunami Dead Casualty Damage Remarks
1934 1 15 843U 26.50 86.50 - 8.3   10700 - extr India/Nepal:[Bihar-Nepal EQ] D=7253 8.3S 8.2W
1966 6 27 1041U 29.60 80.90 33 6.0   80 many seve India-Nepal border D=150
1980 7 29 1458U 29.60 81.09 18 6.7   100 many seve Nepal India border D=150-200 6.5W
1988 8 20 2309U 26.76 86.62 57 6.6   1450 1000s seve Nepal/India:Bihar Prov. D=721(Nep)+280(Bih) 6.8W
1993 10 20 1615U 28.72 82.28 33 5.1   0 55 limi Nepal
2001 7 16 1612U 27.96 85.18 33 5.0   0 1 insi Nepal:Dhading area
2001 11 27 731U 29.61 81.75 33 5.2   0 0 insi Nepal:Bajura-Mugu area
2011 9 18 1240U 27.73 88.16 50 6.7   111 100s cons India/Nepal/China/Bhutan/Bangladesh 6.9W
