GESI_Program is a Microsoft Excel software with a Macro program mage by the Visual Basic. So, when you run the program, please validate the Macro program.
STEP 1 [ Building Type ]
Select the number of building types from
the following chart.

STEP 2 [ Quality of Building ]
Select the score of rating concerning 1)
quality of design, 2) quality of construction, and 3) quality of materials from
the following chart.

STEP 3 [ Vulnerability Curve ]
Push the button gDraw GESI Vulnerability
Curveh, then you will get the vulnerability curve of the building which
represents the relationship between the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and
damage ratio.

STEP 4 [ Input Earthquake Level ]
Type the peak ground acceleration (PGA) at
the site from the range (0.0-1.4G), where G is the gravity acceleration.

STEP 5 [ Damage Ratio ]
Push the button gDraw Damage Ratioh, then
you will get a graph which represents the ratio of the damage in four different
levels; 1) None, slight or moderate, 2) Extensive, 3) Partial collapse, and 4)
Complete collapse.
