In order to mitigate earthquake damage, it is vital to collect and analyze information on earthquake sources, ground conditions and the characteristics of architectural structures peculiar to certain countries and regions. Many developing countries, however, cannot always provide the kind of data that is necessary for research on mitigating disasters, due to poor earthquake observation systems or the lack of a framework for investigation. In order to help developing countries come up with their own earthquake prevention strategies, it is necessary to create earthquake damage estimation systems that can take each individual country’s level of technological development into consideration. To this end, we are working on creating a manual that would list the necessary methods and procedures for estimating damage. The manual could be used when an earthquake occurs or in preparation for one.
In this area of research and development, we investigate
and study the methodologies necessary to estimate the
damage that buildings incur from earthquakes. We publish
this Earthquake Damage Estimation System for Buildings (EDES_B) in our “information Network on Earthquake Disaster Prevention Technologies”(IISEE-net).
In the EDES_B, methodologies of earthquake damage estimation can be roughly
divided into three categories:
(1) Estimation of source characteristics
(2) Estimation of the transmission and amplification of seismic waves
(3) Estimation of building response and damage
Information from each country can be collected through the network of international
trainees who have studied seismology and earthquake engineering through
IISEE. In addition, through cooperation with research institutes that deal
with earthquake disaster prevention technologies in countries such as Peru,
Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey, and Romania, we can gather country-specific
information, and create an earthquake damage estimation manual that is
suitable to the conditions found in each of these countries.