Horizontal Base Shear |
The equivalent lateral forces applied at each floor
level of the building are given by 
where: Cd
= the design seismic coefficient
= the distribution factor at level i of the
building corresponding to the first mode of vibration
Wi = the seismic design weight attributed to the ith
level The distribution factor
at level i for mode r is given by 
which hi
= the height of the ith level measured from the base
= the normal mode displacement at level i in the mode r.
Basic Seismic
Coefficient |
The design seismic coefficient Cd
is given as the product of several factors:
= ks・kg・kt・α・βr・ψ
= the amplification factor
= the spectral response factor, which depends on the shape of the design
response spectrum and on the fundamental period pf the structure:
=1 |
T0 ≦ Tz |
T0 ≦ Tz |
in which
T0 = the fundamental period of the structure, and
Tz = the characteristic period
of the soil at the site.
ψ =
the reduction factor, which takes into account the fact that the seismic
forces were obtained from an elastic analysis. The reduction factor
considers the effect of the potential nonlinear behavior of the structure,
ductility, internal force redistribution, and energy dissipation through
damping. Numerical values for ψ .
ks = the seismic zone factor
kg = the importance factor
kt = the soil profile factor
for soil profile types S1 , S2 ,
and S3.
The characteristics of the soil profile types are as
Soil Profile S1:
Rock, of any type, or stiff soil where the soil depth is less than 60m and
the soil types have overlying rocks that are stable deposits of sand,
gravel, or clay.
Soil Profile S2:
Deep cohesionless soil or stiff clay soil, including sites where the soil
depth exceeds 60m and soil types that have overlying rock and stable
deposits of sand, gravel, or stiff clays.
Soil Profile S3:
Soft to medium-stiff clays and sand, characterized by 10m or more of sort to
medium-stiff clay with or without intervening layers of sand or other
cohesionless soil.
Factor |
Table 4
Reduction Factor (ψ)
Type of
steel-framed building
concrete multistory buildings without frame-shear wall interaction
concrete multistory frame buildings with structural walls
・Reinforced concrete buildings with
walls, columns, and slab floors but without beams |