1. Name: Bernal Esquia Yesenia Isabel

2. Organization: Graduate Student, UNSA, Universidad Nacional de San Agustin, Arequipa, Peru

3. Course: 2001 G


5. Abstract:
The analysis and evaluation of the seismic distribution, in surface and depth, of the seismicity has permitted to know the principal sources associated with the continental deformation and with the configuration of the geometry of the subduction process of Nazca under the South American plate. The characteristics of the spatial distribution of the seismic activity, are mean located in the oceanic zone in parallel direction to the coast line and being produced in this, earthquakes of high magnitude with relative frequency, as the occurred in 1970 (M=7), the same that it is considered as one of the most catastrophic in the world by have produced the death of 67,000 persons, 250,000 disappeared and 180,000 injured. This seismicity this associated with the friction plates. A second group of seismicity with superficial focus would be located in the interior of the continent and would have to his origin to the underthrusting of the Brazilian shield under the Cordillera Oriental and by the continental deformation that is produced in the Andean Cordillera; being these smaller earthquakes in magnitude and frequency. The earthquake of greater magnitude occurred in continent, it is that of 1991 (M = 6.5), the same that destroy the localities of Moyobamba, Soritor and Rioja.