1. Name: Mohammed Abbas Naji Ahmed Al-Sabri

2. Organization: Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources Geological Survey and Mineral Resources Board, National Seismological Observatory Centre (NSOC) National Seismological Network (NSN)

3. Course: 2001-2002 S

4. Title: General Review of Seismic Activity in Yemen

5. Abstract: The seismicity of Yemen is an obvious result of its location on the southern edge of the Arabian Peninsula close to the well-known active seismic zones of the Red sea and the Gulf of Aden. Documented historical seismicity of Yemen goes back to an earthquake that struck the desert of Sheba in 743 B.C. The historical seismicity records included damaging earthquakes in various location of Yemen.
The National Seismological Observatory Centre (NSOC) compiled the historical seismicity file from different sources (universities & seismological institutes). Instrumental seismology in Yemen began with field micro-aftershock studies following the December 13, 1982, Dhamar earthquake. Using a quite limited number of MEQ-800 portable seismographs.
In 1993, the new stage of seismic observation started after installation and operation of phase one national seismic network establishment in November 5, 1994. New seismic observed areas indicate that earthquakes location concentrated in certain parts of Yemen. Most seismic activities are considered as micro-earthquakes; may related to volcanic activity. Most of seismic swarms occurrence extended for different period of time (week-months). Events epicentres located near of hot spring and or volcanic areas.