ViewWave is a viewer for strong motion records. ViewWave can read:
- BRI strong motion files (*.ac, *.acs)
- K-NET files (*.ns, *.ew, *.ud)
- KiK-net files (*.ns?, *.ew?, *.ud?)
- JMA 87 strong motion instrument files
- JMA 95 seismic intensity meter files (*.ans, *.aew, *.aud and hexa-ascii)
- USGS (NSMP) strong motion data files (*.smc)
- CGS (CSMIP) strong motion data files (*.raw, *.v2)
- PEER strong motion database files
- Altus Etna/K2 evt files
- Akashi SMAC-MD/SMAC-MDU binary files (*.md, *.smc)
- CSV files (*.csv)
- General data files (*.dat, *.txt)
TimeKeeper is a presentation clock on PC.
TimeKeeper clocks the time of three stages, i.e. the presentaion, the conclusion and the discussion.