In the present study, the 2006 Machaze earthquake (Mw7.0) and the 2006 Lacerda earthquake (Mw5.6) in Mozambique are relocated. The main purpose of the relocation is to determine fault planes related to those earthquakes. The result of the relocation of the Machaze earthquake indicates that the strike and dip of the fault plane is about 172° and 65° westward, respectively, and it represents a normal faulting. Analysis of the Lacerda cluster suggests that this is an earthquake swarm. The fault plane corresponding to the biggest event presents a strike and dip of about 350° and 40°, respectively, dipping to the east. The rupture process of the Machaze earthquake is also determined in the present study. The result of the slip inversion shows that two asperities characterize the Machaze earthquake. The maximum slip is 3.4 m located in the south asperity near the initial break point and the asperity in the north of the initial break point has a slip of about 2.5 m. The last asperity is located at surface and generated the most prominent offset observed at the surface. The aftershocks are located near the two asperities. Both analyses show a size of the fault plane corresponding to the mainshock about 50 km in length.