Development of tsunami database system
along coastline area of southern Sumatra,
Java and Bali
islands was presented in this study. This was performed in three stages, there
are: (1) applying tsunami numerical simulation; (2) constructing a database;
and (3) retrieving tsunami heights and arrival times from the database for
assembling tsunami warning message. First stage was conducted by employing
TUNAMI-N2 and TTT software for 1 real case and 28 artificial cases (with 4
depths of 0, 20, 40 and 60 km; and 3 different magnitudes of 7.0, 7.5, and
8.0), to obtain tsunami heights and arrival times on 56 coastal points. The
results of tsunami heights at the coasts were considered applying Green’s law
at 50 m sea depth of forecast points. Then, a web application system using
Apache web server, MySQL relational database and PHP programming language, were
used to perform the second and third stages. The tsunami database which was
successfully constructed in this study consists of 338 tables, and is divided
into 3 parts: coastal point table, hypocenter table and simulation data table.
Relation between the tables in the database based on the primary key from each
table is a ‘one to many’ type. The system retrieves tsunami
heights and arrival times from the database and assembles warning messages. For
retrieving methods, simple and interpolation techniques, are used. Lastly, it
was found that the web application was effective for developing tsunami warning