We studied several methods to determine the moment magnitude, focusing on broadband P wave moment magnitude for the purpose of tsunami early warning system in
From the analysis, we found that for larger events (Mw > 8.0), Mwpk showed good estimation while Mwp results showed underestimation. On the other hand, for smaller events, Mwpk showed overestimation while Mwp results showed good estimation. However, in general, both Mwpk and Mwp estimates correlate well with MwCMT. Mwpd’ estimates produced very good results with large events. For Mw determination using moment tensor inversion method, the results were in good agreement with MwCMT although we found underestimations for tsunami earthquakes and great earthquakes such as the July 17, 2006 and December 26, 2004 events. All in all, this study has provided the base ground of improving the tsunami early warning system in