Abstract Database


Ashish Gupta
Supervisor: Matsutaro SEKI
Country: India

This paper aims at looking into the benefits of using base isolation systems in buildings from safety and cost aspects in Indian perspective. Firstly, comparison of performance of a fixed base building designed for Zone-V and its base isolated version was done. It was found that the structure became safer by implementation of base isolation. Secondly, as the cost factor has been an inhibition in the mind of designer when seismic isolation design is considered in India, the impact of base isolation on the structural material cost was also examined in this work. It was found that for designs based on IS1893:2002, base isolation can be effectively used to reduce the structural material costs. A building designed for Zone-III was found to perform satisfactorily for Zone-V level earthquakes when base isolation was provided. Simultaneously, the Zone-III design resulted in considerable saving in quantity of reinforcement steel and concrete, a part of which can be utilized for installation of the isolation bearings in the building.


Keywords: Base Isolation, Nonlinear, Time History, Cost