Since many years ago, Argentina does not receive invitation to participate in a Seminar of Earthquake and Seismic Engineering.
If possible for an ex-participant may have an opportunity/priority to attend the advanced course through directly invitation.
I hope IISEE give chance to ex-
participants to have doctor degree as the IISEE has done before. (Indonesia)
If possible for an ex-participant may have an opportunity/priority to attend the advanced course through directly invitation.
And do some research together between IISEE and the ex-participant. (Indonesia)
I want to learn the management of seismic network. also, I want to learn seismometer in details. (Korea)
All of the purpose of the IISEE trainings are close to the need of the developing
countries, particularly the Republic of Guinea, where the seismic activities are
well known. (Guinea)
Congratulation for your work.
I wish to afford the opportunity to return and visit IISEE for ex-participants.
If you can award academic degree as well it will be much more beneficial.
Sub course "strong motion and hazards" should not be included in S and E course.
Please keep us informed of new courses or developments. Possibly have IISEE
Alumni to be circulated to ex-participants. (Fiji)
I would say that the IISEE trainings have greatly enhanced our knowledge in seismology and earthquake engineering that enabled us ex-participants to
appreciate and enjoy our moments in carrying out our work with the institute.
In my idea IISEE can organize some more Master and Ph.D. programs.
Try to increase the level of some subjects such: Mathematics and
Computer. In general is a good institute. (Peru)
When I went there, the time for was very short because is it many think for learning, I think if is the more long time may be is better.
Thank you Japan for the generous initiative of providing help to
developing countries via training courses, activity of volunteers & experts dispatched all around the world,
technical cooperation projects and governmental assistance. Thank you Japan for promoting peace, tolerance, cultural and religious pluralism
ideas ! (Romania)
I would like to say very thanks to the staff members of IISEE for there kind relationship and I hope to keep on contact.
Careful re-evaluation of the existing curriculum which should be based on the present need of the
changing and advancing scientific community. (Philippines)
Seismology and Earthquake Engineering regular course should be divided into two courses.
Please keep us informed of new courses or developments. Possibly have IISEE
Alumni to be circulated to ex-participants. (Fiji)
I am last participants of IISEE training course. So I hope IISEE will give opportunity to people from Mongolia to participate IISEE training. In our institution we have peoples just came after university. Also
for them need special course for seismology. (Mongolia)
I would like to say very tanks to the staff members of IISEE for there kind relationship and I hope to keep on contact.
The Academic Degree is very good for young engineers but this Job has been done by Universities and other academic institutions for years. The key role of IISEE is to train the policymakers and experienced
Engineers who have never been told about earthquake. (Iran)
I prefer the practical training part.
Please give chances to me.
The training course in IISEE is very good for young researcher, especially those from developing country. I mean in this institute we can learn not only the
knowledge, but also the way how to do research work. I think this is the most
important point. No matter what field I will work in the future, this sense I got in IISEE will help me. I wish IISEE can continue its training course, providing more
opportunities for the young seismic researcher.
Keep up the good work ! (Costa Rica)
As I have experienced the Earthquake Engineering course was great for my person. Now I am in Doctor Course at Tokodai with Monbusho scholarship. This would be impossible if I would not go to IISEE. Also I realized of the kind of human that your
(El Salvador)
Course has really enhanced my area of expertise. (Ghana)
I hope that IISEE is still exist and running well. IISEE is very important.
Generally, the courses proved very useful regarding many aspects (at least as to my experience, and the experience of my
colleagues who also were participants in IISEE). Hence, you have our sincere support to continue with your programs and, as much as possible,
their improvement. (Macedonia)
All training courses going on at IISEE are very useful. They should continue.
IISEE must continue doing training courses, but have to be very selective about the level of the participants.
Careful re-evaluation of the existing curriculum which should be based on the present need of the
changing and advancing scientific community. (Philippines)
In line with IISEE's policy of capacity building and efficient service delivery
I urge IISEE to diversify and be more community centered have more people trained.
Some of the ex-participants of IISEE including me, still looking for a chance to work or to help there
countries in Subject of Earthquake and Seismology , but they don't know the channel to get through and also the high rank officials politicians and public are not pay much attention to this. I think we should have to have some
information system or public awareness program or "Tools" to solve this problem.
I think IISEE should invite active participants in the field on seismology and give new seminars on up-to-date research topics and information. Now, Japan has developed many new networks on seismology and GPS so ex-participants should know the new systems and as well as learn new techniques in earth
sciences. So, by doing these they can apply similar networks or scientific methods in their countries.
