| Questionnaire
1 | Questionnaire 2 |
Questionnaire 3-1 | Questionnaire3-2 |
Questionnaire3-3 |
Questionnaire 4 | Questionnaire
5 |
Present situation of the seismology and seismic engineering fields in your country (organization).
Methods of gathering technical information in your country.
IISEE trainings
- Please indicate how you came to participate in the training.
- At that time, did you know about the trainings provided by IISEE ?
- How do you get the general information in your country ?
- Which methods are used to decide who will participate in trainings ?
- Were the trainings that you have participated in up to now useful ?
- If you answered "Very useful" or "Useful" in item (5) above, please indicate your reason (s).
- If the completion of this training was approved as equivalent to an academic degree or approved credits in your country or institution, please specify.
- Do you think that graduates of IISEE (including yourself) are being utilized in your country ?
- Is IISEE well known in your country ?
- How is IISEE evaluated in your country ?
- Are there many researchers or engineers in your country who wish to participate in the IISEE trainings ?
- Is it possible for you to participate in trainings even at your own expense ?
- Please indicate your views about the training courses of IISEE.
- *Regular course
*Seminar Course
*Global Seismological Observation Course
What expectations do you have regarding IISEE from now on ?
Please give us any opinions on our Information Network Project described on.
If you have any other additional comments about the IISEE trainings, etc., please feel free to mention them.