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Code Name Code of Technical Regulations for the Design and Construction of Buildings in Seismic Region
Issued by Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia The Bureau for Standardization
Revision 1995
Horizontal Base Shear

The total horizontal seismic force acting on a building.

S = KG


K = the total seismic coefficient for the horizontal direction
= the total weight of the building and its equipment


Note of K

K = KoKsKdKp


Ko = the coefficient of building category, (see Table 1)
Ks = the coefficient of seismic intensity, (see Table 2)
Kd = the coefficient of dynamic response, and (see Table 3 of Fig. 1)
Kp = the coefficient of ductility and damping. (see Note of Kp)

The total seismic coefficient K shall have a minimum value of 0.02.


Note of Kp

The coefficient of ductility and damping, Kp, depends on the type of structure under consideration:

  1. For all modem reinforced-concrete structures, for all steel structures except those mentioned in section 2 of this article, and for all modem wooden structures, except structure s listed in section 3 of this article,
    = 1.0;

  2. For structures built of reinforced masonry, and for braced steel structures,
    = 1.3;

  3. For masonry structures, strengthened by means of vertical reinforced-concrete tie-beams’ for reinforced-concrete shear-wall structures which do not satisfy the requirements of article 68 of this Code; for very high and slender structures with low damping, such as high industrial chimneys, aerials and masts, water-towers and other structures with a fundamental natural period of free vibration of
    2.0 sec., Kp = 1.6;

  4. For structures with a particularly flexible ground or any other storey, or with a sudden change in stiffness, as well as for ordinary masonry structures,
    = 2.0.


(Updated on 28 August,2012)