
Schedule of Lecture Titles (2021-2022 Regular Course(Seismology Course))

Category Title(IISEE) Lecturer Day
1.Orientation 1.1 Guidance etc. Hara, Fujii 1.0
1.2 Overview of Earthquake and Disasters Seismology, TsunamiDisaster Mitigation, andEarthquake EngineeringCourse Staff 1.5
1.3 Ethics and Literacy for Scientific Studies Hara 0.5
2. Information Technology Relatedwith Earthquakes and Disasters 2.1 Computer Fujii, Hayashida 9.0
2.2 Theory of Seismic Waves Takeuchi, Furumura 7.0
2.3 Surface Waves Yomogida 1.0
2.4 Scattering and Attenuation Yomogida 1.0
3. Earthquake Phenomenology 3.1 Earthquake Observation I Yokoi 3.0
3.2 Earthquake Observation II Inoue 1.0
3.3 Local Earthquake Analysis I Kita 2.0
3.4 Local Earthquake Analysis II Kato 1.0
3.5 Teleseismic Phases and Magnitudes Hara 2.0
3.6 Earthquake Early Warning I Hoshiba 1.0
3.7 Earthquake Early Warning II Yamada 1.0
3.8 Seismicity and Statistics Iwata 2.0
3.9 Crust and Upper Mantle Structure Kanao 1.0
3.10 Crustal Deformation Sagiya 1.0
4. Earthquake Circumstance 4.1 Earthquake Generation and Forecasting I Shibazaki 1.5
4.2 Mathematics for Seismology Shibazaki 6.0
4.3 Focal Mechanism Hara 2.0
4.4 Earthquake Generation and Forecasting II Toda 1.0
4.5 Moment Tensor Analysis Yagi 2.0
4.6 Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics Okino 3.0
4.7 Earthquake Source Process Kuge 3.0
5. Characteristics of Earthquake Disasters 5.1 Data Processing Hara, Hayashida 4.0
5.2 Study Tour of Earthquake Monitoring ( JMA, NIED, GSI )   2.0
5.3 Real Time Determination of Source Parameter Taira and others 1.0
5.4 Determination of Broadband Moment Magnitude Hara 1.5
5.5 Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion I Yamanaka 1.0
5.6 Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion II Yamanaka 1.0
5.7 Seismic Tomography Nakajima 1.0
5.8 Practice of Seismic Tomography Kita 0.5
5.9 Numerical Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation Takenaka 2.0
6. Earthquake Hazard Assessment A 6.1 Soil Test and Survey Nakagawa 1.0
6.2 Strong Earthquake Motion Observation Kashima 2.0
6.3 Soil Dynamics Arai 1.0
6.4 Strong Ground Motion Study (Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis) Itoi 2.0
6.5 Strong Ground Motion Study II(Strong Motion Seismology ) Irikura, Miyake 2.0
7.Earthquake Hazard Assessment B 7.1 Microtremor Observation I Koyama 1.0
7.2 Microtremor Observation II Hayashida, Nakagawa 1.0
7.3 Simulation of Seismic Ground Motion Koyama 1.0
7.4 Geophysical Prospecting   2.0
7.5 Seismic Micro-Zonation Matsuoka, Inagaki 2.0
8. Disaster Management Policies A 8.1 Disaster Management Policies A: from Regional and Infrastructure Aspect Hibino 5.0
9. Disaster Management Policies B 9.1 Disaster Management Policies B: from Urban and Community Aspect Sugahara 5.0
10. Special Topics (held within Seminar) 10.1 Tsunami and Earthquake Satake 1.0
10.2 Earthquake Geology Maruyama 1.0
10.3 Japanese ODA Policy and Development Assistance Related with Risk Reduction JICA staff 0.5
10.4 Seminar of Earthquake Disaster-Recovery Management Policy Moderators for Project Cycle Management 2.0
10.5 How to Write a Scientific Report Weisburd 1.0
10.6 Study Tour of Earthquake Monitoring ( HERP, ERI )   1.0
10.7 Observation Visit ( Disaster Information Center, MLIT ) Advisor 0.5
10.8 Study Trip (Tohoku and Hokkaido)   5.0
11. Practice for Earthquake Disaster-Recovery Management Policy I 11.1 First and Second Colloquium S-course staff 4.0
12. Practice for Earthquake Disaster-Recovery Management Policy II 12.1 Third Colloquium S-course staff 3.0
13. Practice for Earthquake Disaster-Recovery Management Policy III 13.1 Study Trip (Kansai)   5.0
13.2 International Seminar for Disaster Management Azuhata 1.0
14. Individual Study 14.1 Individual Study Advisor 70.5
15. Seminar 15.1 Seminar for Seismology Course Supervisor 7.0
16.Others   Ceremony, Self-study   24.8