Senior Research Scientist, Ph.D., IISEE


  • Hayashida, T., M. Yoshimi, H. Suzuki, S. Mori, T. Kagawa, K. Ichii, and M. Yamada (2023) Tracking the Effect of Human Activity on MeSO‐net Noise Using Seismic Data Traffic—Did Seismic Noise in Tokyo Truly Decrease during the COVID‐19 State of Emergency?, Seismol. Res. Lett.
  • Chavarria, N., T. Yokoi, and T. Hayashida (2023), Strong Motion estimation in Costa Rica at non-record sites using spectral inversion method, J. Seismol., 27, 1–11
  • Saadallaa, H., H.E. Abdelhafiez, and T. Hayashida (2023), Discrimination between earthquakes and quarry blasts in the Aswan region, southern Egypt, using P-wave source spectra, J. Seismol., 27
  • Hayashida, T., T. Yokoi, N. Nepal, and M. Olivar (2023), Direct estimation of Vs30 using spatial autocorrelation and centreless circular array coefficient curves obtained from microtremor array data, Geophys. J. Int., 233(2), 1515–1528
  • Saadallaa, H., H. Mossaa, and T. Hayashida (2022) Spectral characteristics of P-and S-wave quarry blasts in Aswan region, South Egypt, J. African Earth Sci., 196, 104712
  • 林田拓己, 吉見雅行, 鈴木晴彦, 森伸一郎, 香川敬生, 山田雅行, 一井康二 (2022) MeSO-net観測記録に見られる2020年の微動振幅の低下とその要因, 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), 78(4) I_624-I_635
  • Asten, M.W., A. Yong, S. Foti, K. Hayashi, A.J. Martin, W.J. Stephenson, J.F. Cassidy, J. Coleman, R. Nigbor, S. Castellaro, K. Chimoto, C. Cornou, I. Cho, T. Hayashida, M. Hobiger, C.-H. Kuo, A. Macau, E.D. Mercerat, S. Molnar, P. Pananont, M. Pilz, N. Poovarodom, E. Sáez, M.Wathelet, H. Yamanaka, T. Yokoi, and Don Zhao (2022) An assessment of uncertainties in VS profiles obtained from microtremor observations in the phased 2018 COSMOS blind trials, J. Seismol., 26, 757–780
  • González, G., E. Fujita, B. Shibazaki, T. Hayashida, G. Chiodini, F. Lucchi, I. Yokoyama, K. Nemeth, R. Mora-Amador, A. Moya, G. Chigna, J. Martí, and D. Rouwet (2021) Increment in the volcanic unrest and number of eruptions after the 2012 large earthquakes sequence in Central America, Scientific Reports 11, 22417
  • Maklad, M., T. Yokoi, T. Hayashida, M.N. ElGabry, H.M. Hassan, H.M. Hussein, T.A. Fattah, and M. Rashed (2020) Site characterization in Ismailia, Egypt using seismic ambient vibration array, Eng. Geol. 279(20), 105874,
  • Yamada, M., I. Cho, C-H. Kuo, C-M. Lin, K. Miyakoshi, Y. Guo, T. Hayashida, Y. Matsumoto, J. Mori, Y-T. Yen, and K-C. Kuo (2020) Shallow subsurface structure in the Hualien Basin and relevance to the damage pattern and fault rupture during the 2018 Hualien Earthquake, Bull. Seismol. Sco. Am. 110(6): 2939–2952
  • 林田拓己, 横井俊明, Bhattarai MUKUNDA (2019) Rayleigh波位相速度と群速度の同時逆解析による浅部〜深部地盤のS波速度構造の推定, 日本地震工学会論文集, 19巻5号:5_111-5_124
  • Tajima, F. and T. Hayashida (2018) Earthquake early warning: what does "seconds before a strong hit" mean? Prog. Earth Planet. Sci. 5:53
  • Hayashida, T., Yamada, M., M. Yamada, K. Hada, J. Mori, Y. Fujino, H. Sakaue, S. Fukatsu, E. Nishihara, T. Ouchi, and A. Fujii (2018) Subsurface velocity structure and site amplification characteristics in Mashiki Town, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, inferred from microtremor and aftershock recordings of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes, Earth Planets Space 70:116
  • 山田雅行, 山田真澄, 羽田浩二, 藤野義範, Jim MORI, 坂上啓, 林田拓己, 深津宗祐, 西原栄子, 大内徹, 藤井章男 (2017) 2016年熊本地震における益城町での被害メカニズムの解明~地盤特性の影響~, 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) 73巻4号:I_216-I_224
  • 大堀道広, 浅香雄太, 東宏樹, 安達繁樹, 伊藤雅基, 岩波良典, 上野太士, 浦谷優樹, 大石佑輔, 大場政章, 岡本拓夫, 金子翔平, 北村暢章, 北村春基, 栗田哲, 小嶋啓介, 佐藤史佳, 竜田晃樹, 内藤昌平, 中井翔, 中井俊樹, 野口竜也, 羽田浩二, 林田拓己, 樋口茂生, 古谷元, 前田直樹, 水野智洋, 宮崎真之, 森伸一郎, 森田真弘, 山田浩二, 山田雅行, 山本英和, 吉田昌平, 吉田雅穂, 藤原広行 (2017) 福井県勝山盆地における微動観測, 日本地震工学会論文集 17巻4号:4_170-4_181
  • Yamada, M., T. Hayashida, J. Mori, and W.D. Mooney (2016) Building damage survey and microtremor measurements for the source region of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake, Earth Planets Space 68:117
  • Bhattarai, M., L.B. Adhikari, U.P. Gautam, L. Bollinger, B. Hernandez, T. Yokoi, and T. Hayashida (2016) Establishing a reference rock site for the site effect study in and around the Kathmandu valley, Nepal, Earth Planets Space 68:81
  • 中川博人, 林田拓己, 横井俊明, 鹿嶋俊英, 小山信, C.B.M. Wiradikarta, J.R. Guerra Carballo (2015) いわき市役所における傾斜基盤を対象にした微動観測, 日本地震工学会論文集 15巻7号:60-71
  • Asano, K., H. Sekiguchi, T. Iwata, M. Yoshimi, T. Hayashida, H. Saomoto, and H. Horikawa (2016) Modelling of wave propagation and attenuation in the Osaka sedimentary basin, western Japan, during the 2013 Awaji Island earthquake, Geophys. J. Int. 204, pp.1678-1694
  • 林田拓己, 吉見雅行, 堀川晴央 (2014) 中京地域堆積盆地における表面波群速度の推定—Hi-net連続地震観測記録を用いた地震波干渉法に基づく検証— 地震第2輯, 66巻4号, 127-145
  • Hayashida, T., F. Tajima, J. Nakajima, and J. Mori (2012) A three-dimensional seismic wave speed model in southwestern Japan from combined use of waveform modeling and travel-time tomography, J. Geophys. Res. 117, B11305
  • Hayashida, T., F. Tajima, and J. Mori (2010) Improved seismic velocity structure in southwestern Japan using pronounced sP phases recorded for intraslab earthquakes, Bull. Seismol. Sco. Am. 100, 1928-1939
  • Hayashida, T. and F. Tajima (2007) Calibration of amplification factors using KiK-net strong-motion records: toward site effective estimation of seismic intensities, Earth Planets Space 59, 1111-1125
  • Hayashida, T., N. Nepal, K. Namgay, D. Drukpa, P. Pelgay, S. Ohmi, and H. Inoue (2024) Development of Vs30 maps using microtremors in Bhutan, Proc. 18th World Conf. on Earthq. Eng., GEO99, 8pp
  • Hayashida, T., T. Yokoi, M. Bhattarai, and N. Maharjan (2021) Joint inversion of surface-wave phase and group velocities toward efficient estimation of deep S-wave velocity structure -Kathmandu Valley, Nepal-, Proc. 17th World Conf. on Earthq. Eng., Paper No.10a-0045, 9pp
  • Yokoi, T., T. Hayashida, M. Bhattarai, T. Pokharel, S. Shresta, C. Timsina, S. Bhattarai, R. Sharma, and D. Nepali (2021) Broadband microtremor array exploration in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, Proc. 17th World Conf. on Earthq. Eng., Paper No.1d-0125, 12pp
  • Ohori, M., H. Uebayashi, I. Cho, H. Arai, K. Yoshida, H. Suzuki, H. Takahashi, Y. Hagiwara, A. Nobata, T. Hayakawa, T. Hayashida, T. Yokoi, S. Kishi, T. Sekiguchi, K. Kojima, S. Ling, K. Motoki, H. Nakagawa, T. Noguchi, K. Tsuchida, M. Nagano (2021) A benchmark test for microtremor explorations: phase velocity for irregular subsurface structures, Proc. 17th World Conf. on Earthq. Eng., Paper No.1d-0087, 12pp
  • Calderon, C. and T. Hayashida (2021) Feasibility study on earthquake early warning system for the City of Lima, Peru, using a strong-motion network, Proc. 17th World Conf. on Earthq. Eng., Paper No.1d-0009, 11pp
  • 林田拓己, 吉見雅行, 鈴木晴彦, 森伸一郎, 香川敬生, 山田雅行, 一井康二 (2021) MeSO-net観測記録に見られる2020年の微動振幅の低下とその要因, 第41回地震工学研究発表会, D14-2361, 8pp
  • Hayashida, T. and T. Yokoi (2021) Can Vs30 be estimated directly from SPAC and CCA coefficients? -examinations using measured microtremor array data-, Proc. 6th IASPEI/IAEE Int. Symp.: The Effect of Surface Geology on Ground Motion (ESG6), GS2-P12, 8pp
  • Chimoto, K., H. Yamanaka, S. Tsuno, M. Shigefuji, T. Kanno, H. Sato, S. Higashi, D. Shinoyama, M. Yoshimi, T. Sugiyama, N. Talao, S. Matsushima, F. Nagashima, H. Kawase, T. Hayakawa, T. Uetake, S. Senna, Y. Inagaki, T. Hayashida, and S. Oji (2021) Results of blind prediction STEP 1: subsurface velocity structure model of Kumamoto test site, Proc. 6th IASPEI/IAEE Int. Symp.: The Effect of Surface Geology on Ground Motion (ESG6), SS102, 18pp
  • 大堀道広, 上林宏敏, 長郁夫, 新井洋, 吉田邦一, 鈴木晴彦, 高橋広人, 萩原由訓, 野畑有秀, 早川崇, 林田拓己, 横井俊明, 岸俊甫, 関口徹, 小嶋啓介, 凌甦群, 元木健太郎, 中川博人, 野口竜也, 土田琴世, 永野正行 (2018) 微動を用いた速度構造推定のベンチマークテスト(その2 大阪堆積盆地モデルを用いた位相速度推定), 第15回地震工学シンポジウム, PS1-01-07, 8pp
  • 上林宏敏, 大堀道広, 長郁夫, 新井洋, 吉田邦一, 鈴木晴彦, 高橋広人, 萩原由訓, 野畑有秀, 林田拓己, 岸俊甫, 関口徹, 小嶋啓介, 元木健太郎, 中川博人, 野口竜也, 土田琴世, 永野正行 (2018) 微動を用いた速度構造推定のベンチマークテスト(その1 大阪堆積盆地モデルを用いた速度構造推定), 第15回地震工学シンポジウム, PS1-01-06, 7pp
  • Yokoi, T., T. Hayashida, M. Bhattarai, T. Pokharel, S. Dhakal, S. Shrestha, C. Timsina and D. Nepali (2018) Deep exploration using ambient noise in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal -with an emphasis on CCA method using irregular shape array-, Proc. 13th SEGJ Intr. Symp., 4pp
  • 大堀道広, 上林宏敏, 長郁夫, 新井洋, 吉田邦一, 鈴木晴彦, 高橋広人, 萩原由訓, 野畑有秀, 早川崇, 林田拓己, 横井俊明, 岸俊甫, 関口徹, 小嶋啓介, 凌甦群, 元木健太郎, 中川博人, 野口竜也, 土田琴世, 永野正行 (2018) 地盤構造評価に向けた微動アレイ解析のベンチマークの概要と成果, 第46回地盤震動シンポジウム, 12pp
  • Yoshimi, M., S. Matsushima, R. Ando, H. Miyake, K. Imanishi, T. Hayashida, H. Takenaka, H. Suzuki, A. Yatagai, S. Manabe, and H. Matsuyama (2018) Broadband strong ground motion simulation for active faults around Beppu bay, Kyushu, Japan, Proc. 16th European Conf. Earthq. Eng., 12pp
  • Bhattarai, M., D. Nepali, S. Dhakal, S. Shrestha, T. Yokoi, and T. Hayashida (2017) On anomalous coherence functions for SPAC method applied in Kathmandu, Nepal for exploring deep sedimentary layers, Proc. 137th SEGJ Conf. No.9, 4pp
  • Bhattarai, M., D. Nepali, S. Dhakal, S. Shrestha, T. Yokoi, and T. Hayashida (2017) Microtremor array exploration for deep sedimentary layers in the central part of the Kathmandu valley, Nepal, Proc. J. Japan Assoc. Earthq. Eng., 8pp
  • Macavilca-Rojas, N., T. Yokoi, and T. Hayashida (2017) Strong-motion generation areas of the 2007 Mw8.0 Pisco, Peru, earthquake using the empirical Green's function, Proc. 16th World Conf. on Earthq. Eng., Paper No.4671, 7pp
  • Hayashida, T., H. Nakagawa, T. Yokoi, S. Koyama, T. Kashima, and S. Nagano (2017) Verification of subsurface S-wave velocity structure model in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, using a dense seismic array, Proc. 16th World Conf. on Earthq. Eng., Paper No.4437, 10pp
  • Yokoi, T., N. Hurukawa, T. Azuhata, T. Hara, B. Shibazaki, M. Inukai, T. Kashima, Y. Fujii, T. Hayashida, and H. Kato (2017) Capacity building of International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Building Research Institute, Japan, in the field of earthquake engineering, Proc. 16th World Conf. on Earthq. Eng., Paper No.3882, 7pp
  • Yoshimi, M. and T. Hayashida (2017) Velocity structure survey in Beppu bay basin, Japan, Proc. 16th World Conf. on Earthq. Eng., Paper No.7, 9pp
  • Yoshimi, M., T. Hayashida, S. Matsushima, H. Kawase, H. Takenaka, N. Yamada, T. Sugiyama, and T. Tokumaru (2016) Microtremor surveys in Beppu bay sedimentary basin, Japan, for better estimation of the strong motion, Proc. 5th IASPEI/IAEE Int. Symp. on the Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Taipei, Paper P206D
  • 山田真澄, 林田拓己, Jim MORI, Walter MOONEY (2016) 2015年ネパールゴルカ地震の建物被害調査と常時微動計測, 京都大学防災研究所年報, 59A, 65-73
  • Sekiguchi, H., K. Asano, T. Iwata, M. Yoshimi, H. Horikawa, H. Saomoto, and T. Hayashida (2016) Construction of a 3D velocity structure model of Osaka sedimentary basin, Proc. 5th IASPEI/IAEE Int. Symp. on the Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Taipei, Paper P103B
  • Nakagawa, H., S. Nakai, T. Kashima, S. Koyama, T. Hayashida, and T. Yokoi (2015) Effect of inclined boundary and embedded foundation on wave propagation, Proc. 10th Pacific Conf. Earthq. Eng., Paper No. 159, 8pp
  • 林田拓己, 吉見雅行 (2014) SPAC法と地震波干渉法の相補的利用によるS波速度構造モデルの妥当性検討, 第14回日本地震工学シンポジウム講演論文集, OS3-Thu-PM1-5, 9pp
  • Yoshimi, M., T. Hayashida, and T. Sugiyama (2012) Microtremor array survey in active fold area Niigata Japan –Using SPAC and V-method, Proc. 15th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Paper No. 2987, 10 pp
  • 林田拓己, 森伸一郎, Gulten POLAT, Nurcan Meral ÖZEL, 羽田浩二, 山田雅行, 後藤浩之, 大里重人, 千葉達朗, Yasemin KORKUSUZ ÖZTÜRK, 小山真紀 (2024) 2023年トルコ・カフラマンマラシュ地震(Mw7.8)で顕著な地震動を記録した強震観測点周辺における微動アレイ探査, 日本地球惑星科学連合2024年大会, SSS10-03
  • Hayashida, T. (2023) Vs30 as a constraint for shallow S-wave velocity structure estimation, AGU23 Meeting, S43J-0442
  • Hayashida, T., M. Yoshimi, H. Suzuki, S. Mori, T. Kagawa, K. Ichii, and M. Yamada (2023) Influence of local environment on seismic noise (>1 Hz): Tokyo's illusory quieting due to simultaneous school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic, AGU23 Meeting, S14B-07
  • 林田拓己, Nityam NEPAL, Dowchu DRUKPA, 井上公 (2023) ブータンにおける表層地盤増幅率地図の作成, 日本地球惑星科学連合2023年大会, SSS09-19
  • Hayashida, T., T. Yokoi, N. Nepal, and M. Olivar (2022) SPAC/CCA coefficients as tools for direct VS30 estimation, AGU Fall Meeting, S41C-12
  • Hayashida, T., N. Nepal, P. Pelgay, S. Ohmi, K. Namgay, D. Drukpa, and H. Inoue (2022) Estimation of Vs30 using microtremor array records in Thimphu and surrounding towns, the Kingdom of Bhutan, 日本地震学会2022年度秋季大会, S16-P08
  • 林田拓己, 中川博人, 鹿嶋俊英 (2022) 遠心力載荷試験装置によって生じる地盤震動(1–2Hz)の計測と利活用, 日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会, SSS13-P01
  • 林田拓己, 吉見雅行, 鈴木晴彦, 森伸一郎, 香川敬生, 山田雅行, 一井康二 (2022) 地震観測点の周辺環境がコロナ禍における常時微動の振幅低下に及ぼす影響:MeSO-net観測記録を用いた検証, 日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会, SSS13-06
  • 林田拓己, 吉見雅行, 鈴木晴彦, 森伸一郎, 香川敬生, 山田雅行, 一井康二 (2021) MeSO-net観測記録データトラフィックにみる2020年の首都圏における常時微動レベル低下と要因検証, 日本地震学会2021年度秋季大会, S16-04
  • Hayashida, T., T. Yokoi, M. Bhattarai, T. Pokharel, S. Shresta, C. Timsina, S. Bhattarai, R. Sharma, and D. Nepali (2021) Measuring surface-wave phase velocities (<0.2 Hz) using teleseismic/ambient noise data in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, SCG40-P04
  • 林田拓己, 横井俊明 (2020) SPAC係数およびCCA係数からのVs30の直接推定, 日本地震学会2020年度秋季大会, S16-08
  • Hayashida, T. (2020) Site classification method in microtremor array exploration using a supervised machine learning, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting, S-SS04-Pxx (iPoster)
  • Hayashida, T. and D.S. Dreger (2019) Source inversion of long-period volcanic tremors during the 2014-2015 eruption period at Aso Volcano, southwest Japan, AGU Fall Meeting, V51J-0226
  • Hayashida, T., T. Yokoi, M. Bhattarai, S. Dhakal, S. Shresta, T. Pokharel, N. Maharjan, and C. Timsina (2019) Estimation of bedrock depth in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, using ambient noise and teleseismic data, SSA Annual Meeting
  • Hayashida, T. (2018) Determination of surface-wave phase and group velocities beneath the Japanese islands from centerless circular array method and seismic interferometry, AGU Fall Meeting, S13C-0441
  • 林田拓己, 横井俊明, Mukunda BHATTARAI (2018) 地震動と微動の広帯域観測記録より推定したネパール・カトマンズ盆地の表面波位相速度, 日本地震学会2018年度秋季大会, S15-P07
  • 林田拓己, 横井俊明, Mukunda BHATTARAI (2018) 微動アレイ探査記録の地震波干渉法処理に基づく表面波群速度の推定—ネパール・カトマンズ盆地における検討—, 日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会, SSS14-P19
  • Hayashida, T., T. Yokoi, and M. Bhattarai (2018) Application of seismic interferometry to small-to-moderate sized microtremor array recordings in Kathmandu valley, Nepal, 12th ASC General Assembly, S1-1-2
  • Hayashida, T., M. Yoshimi, M. Komatsu, and H. Takenaka (2017) Estimation and simulation of inter-station Green's functions in the Beppu-bay area, Oita Prefecture, southwest Japan, AGU Fall Meeting, S31B-0815
  • 林田拓己, 吉見雅行, 小松正直, 竹中博士 (2017) 別府湾周辺における微動の連続観測記録を用いた深部地盤構造の検証, 日本地震学会2017年度秋季大会, S22-P07
  • 林田拓己, 山田真澄, Jim MORI, 山田雅行, 羽田浩二, 藤野義範 (2017) 2016年熊本地震の余震観測記録に基づく益城町周辺の深部地盤構造の推定, 日本地震学会2017年度秋季大会, S16-04
  • Hayashida, T., T. Yokoi, H. Nakagawa, T. Kashima, and S. Koyama (2017) Simulation of strong ground motions in and around Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, using pseudo point-source model, IAG-IASPEI Meeting, S07-5-01
  • Hayashida, T., M. Yoshimi, M. Komatsu, and H. Takenaka (2017) Evaluation of three-dimensional basin structure model beneath Beppu bay, Oita Prefecture, using seismic interferometry, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting, SSS15-P22
  • 林田拓己, 山田真澄, Jim MORI, 坂上啓, 山田雅行, 羽田浩二, 藤野義範, 深津宗祐, 西原栄子, 大内徹, 藤井章男 (2016) 2016年熊本地震における益城町での被害メカニズムの解明 その3 余震観測, 日本地震学会2016年度秋季大会, S21-P13
  • 林田拓己, 吉見雅行 (2016) 阿蘇山の長周期火山性微動記録を用いたRayleigh波位相速度の推定―別府湾周辺地域―, 日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会, SSS25-P27
  • Hayashida, T. and M. Yoshimi (2015) Verification of Green's function approximation from ambient noise cross-correlation using three-year continuous seismic data in south Niigata Prefecture, Japan, AGU Fall Meeting, S41B-2723
  • 林田拓己, 横井俊明, 中川博人, 小山信, 鹿嶋俊英 (2015) スペクトルインバージョン法に基づく福島県いわき市街地の地盤増幅特性の推定, 日本地震学会2015年度秋季大会, S16-P10
  • 林田拓己, 吉見雅行, 徳丸哲義, 杉山長志 (2015) 別府湾周辺地域の広帯域稠密地震観測記録を用いた表面波群速度および位相速度の推定, 日本地震学会2015年度秋季大会, S16-02
  • Hayashida, T. and M. Yoshimi (2015) Determination of surface wave group and phase velocities in south Niigata Prefecture, Japan using long-term continuous seismic waveform data, 26th IUGG General Assembly, S12p-392
  • 林田拓己, 吉見雅行, 徳丸哲義, 杉山長志 (2015) 地震波干渉法による別府湾および周辺地域の表面波群速度の推定ー広帯域稠密地震観測記録に基づく検討, 日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会, SSS25-P11
  • Hayashida, T., M. Yoshimi, and H. Horikawa (2014) Validation of S-wave velocity beneath the Ise bay, central Japan, using continuous short-period ambient noise data, AGU Fall Meeting, S13A-4432
  • 林田拓己, 吉見雅行 (2014) 地震波干渉法に基づく別府湾周辺の深部地盤構造モデルの検討, 日本地震学会2014年度秋季大会, D31-09
  • 林田拓己 (2014) Hi-net短周期地震計で測定可能な常時微動の周波数帯域, 日本地震学会2014年度秋季大会, S01-P06
  • Hayashida, T., M. Yoshimi, and H. Horikawa (2014) Investigation of seismic velocity structure model beneath bay area using continuous short-period microtremor data, 10th Joint Meeting of UJNR Panel on Earthquake Research, O-19
  • 林田拓己, 吉見雅行 (2014) 微動アレイ探査記録から推定される2地点間のグリーン関数, 日本地球惑星科学連合2014年大会, SSS35-P07
  • 林田拓己, 吉見雅行, 堀川晴央 (2013) Relation between S/N ratio of cross-correlation function and capability of group velocity estimation with seismic noise, 日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会, SSS33-P08