

IISEE NEWSLETTER NO.45 issued on Oct 7, 2009


  • Special page on the Samoa Islands Region Earthquake of Sep 29, 2009
  • Special page on the Southern Sumatra Earthquake of Sep 30, 2009 in Indonesia
  • The 50th Annual Training Course started


1. Special page on the Samoa Islands Region Earthquake of Sep 29, 2009

We present the special page of the Samoa Islands Region Earthquake of
September 29, 2009, where the following information is available:
1) Tsunami Simulation by Dr. Fujii
2) Aftershock Distribution and the Mainshock Fault Plane by MJHD method by
Dr. Hurukawa
3) Determination of earthquake magnitudes using duration of high-frequency
energy radiation and maximum displacement amplitudes by Dr. Hara
4) Samoa in IISEE-NET

Please visit http://iisee.kenken.go.jp/special/20090929samoa.htm

We'd like to ask you, especially ex-participants in Souther Pacific Region,
to send us information on this disastrous earthquake to share it.

Director, IISEE

2. Special page on the Southern Sumatra Earthquake of Sep 30, 2009 in Indonesia

We present the special page of the Southern Sumatra Earthquake of September
30, 2009 in Indonesia, where the following information is available:
1) Aftershock Distribution and the Mainshock Fault Plane by MJHD method by
Dr. Hurukawa
2) Determination of earthquake magnitudes using duration of high-frequency
energy radiation and maximum displacement amplitudes by Dr. Hara
3) Indonesia in IISEE-NET

Please visit http://iisee.kenken.go.jp/special/20090930sumatra.htm

We'd like to ask you, especially Indonesian ex-participants, to send us
information on this disastrous earthquake to share it.

Director, IISEE

3. The 50th Annual Training Course started

The 50th Annual Training on Seismology, Earthquake Engineering and Tsunami
Disaster Mitigation courses started on October 2nd 2009. In this year, we
invite 23 participants from 14 countries. As to the Tsunami Disaster
Mitigation course, the target region has been expanded and we invite 5
participants not only from Asia but also from Pacific Region and South
America this year. These training courses will be carried out until
September next year in cooperation with GRIPS and JICA. After getting
through the courses with credits required, the master's degree will be
awarded to the participants. So, we hope all 2009-10 participants will take
the master's degree one year later.

Head of Administration Division, IISEE


We send this IISEE Newsletter to ex-participants whose e-mail addresses are known. The IISEE send you new information actively and accept your contribution at any time. In order to enlarge our IISEE network, we'd like to ask you to invite your fellow ex-participants whose e-mail addresses are unknown to us to join us. We welcome your comments about the IISEE Newsletter. Please feel free to send us your comments and opinions.

Email: iiseenews@kenken.go.jp
website: https://iisee.kenken.go.jp/en