

IISEE Newsletter No.61 issued on Oct 21, 2010


  • The 51th Annual Training Course started
  • IISEE Alumni Meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Dr. T. Yokoi has visited Nicaragua
  • "Catalog of Damaging Earthquakes in the World" has been updated
  • Test page of "IISEE's CMTs, Aftershock Distributions, Fault planes,


1. The 51th Annual Training Course started

The 51th Annual Training on Seismology, Earthquake Engineering and Tsunami
Disaster Mitigation courses started on October 5th 2010. In this year, we
invite 21 participants from 10 countries. On a long history of our training
courses for 50 years, 1,481 participants from 96 countries and region have
completed the training so far. It is particularly worth noting that Pacific
and Southern America have been included in the target regions of the Tsunami
Disaster Mitigation Course from last year, which was inaugurated as a
training course limited to coastal countries facing with Indian Ocean in
2006. These training courses will be carried out until September next year
in cooperation with GRIPS and JICA. After getting through the courses with
credits required, the master's degree will be awarded to the participants.
So, we hope all 2010-11 participants will take the master's degree one year

Head of Administration Division, IISEE

2. IISEE Alumni Meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam

We, I and Vietnamese alumni, are planning to hold the IISEE Alumni
Meeting in the evening of the November 9th during the 8th General
Assembly of Asian Seismological Commission (ASC), which is held from the
November 8th to the 10th in Hanoi, Vietnam. We plan to hold the alumni
meeting after the poster session at a restaurant or cafe near the
conference place. We would like to learn the number of participants to
this alumni meeting. If you join this alumni meeting, please fill the
following and send it back to me (hurukawa@kenken.go.jp).

Year(s) of IISEE training participation:
I attend the IISEE Alumni Meeting on the November 9th
during the coming ASC in Hanoi.

Please understand that the IISEE does not support any fees for your
participations in the ASC and alumni meetings.
Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation.

Further information will be given at the conference venue.

Former Director, IISEE
Research Coordinator, BRI

3. Dr. T. Yokoi has visited Nicaragua

Chief Research Scientist of IISEE Dr. Toshiaki Yokoi has visited
Nicaragua from Sep. 18 to Oct. 2, 2010 by "Dispatch of Science &
Technology Researchers" that is a collaborative scheme of Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Japan Society of Promotion
of Science (JSPS). During his visit, he has worked with the researchers
of Centro de Investigaciones Geocientificas, Universidad Nacional
Autonoma de Nicaragua: Dr. Dionicio Rodriguez, Prof. Claudio Romero,
Prof. Lener Sequeira, Prof. Blenda Leyton and Prof. Marvin Corriols on
the array measurement of microtremor and its analysis for exploring
underground velocity structure of shear wave: the first trial in
Nicaragua. The objective of his visit was almost fulfilled by their
collaboration. This collaborative research will continue to Mar. 2012,
but the relation between IISEE and CIGEO-UNAN will continue further more.

Toshiaki YOKOI
Chief Research Scientist, IISEE

4. "Catalog of Damaging Earthquakes in the World" has been updated

The earthquake catalog, "Catalog of Damaging Earthquakes in the World"
(available at http://iisee.kenken.go.jp/utsu/index_eng.html), has been
updated to include damaging earthquakes through June, 2009. The current
latest event in the database is the earthquake that occurred on June 25 in
2009 in the western part of Oita prefecture, Japan.

Tatsuhiko HARA
Chief Research Scientist, IISEE

5. Test page of "IISEE's CMTs, Aftershock Distributions, Fault planes,

We have put a test page for a new search page of "IISEE's CMTs, Aftershock
Distributions, Fault planes, and Rupture processes for recent large
earthquakes in the world" at

The major new functions implemented on this page are as follows:

- The earthquakes registered in the database are shown on Google Map.
- The earthquake source parameters can be transferred to calculations
using a set of attenuation equations.
- The link button to "Tsunami Simulation" is created in the column
"Other information" in case the corresponding tsunami simulation results
are available on the IISEE web site.

Please visit the above page. Your feedbacks will be highly appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance.

Tatsuhiko HARA
Chief Research Scientist, IISEE


We send this IISEE Newsletter to ex-participants whose e-mail addresses are known. The IISEE send you new information actively and accept your contribution at any time. In order to enlarge our IISEE network, we'd like to ask you to invite your fellow ex-participants whose e-mail addresses are unknown to us to join us. We welcome your comments about the IISEE Newsletter. Please feel free to send us your comments and opinions.

Email: iiseenews@kenken.go.jp
website: https://iisee.kenken.go.jp/en