

IISEE Newsletter No.63 issued on Dec 21, 2010


  • Season's Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year
  • 16th Global Seismological Observation Course at IISEE
  • An additional Questionnaire to all ex-participants
  • 1st Circular of the 10th International Workshop on Seismic Microzonation and Risk Reduction (10IWSMRR)


1. Season's Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year

Now, the year 2011 is close at hand, we recall disastrous earthquakes occurred in many parts of the world within this year. Especially, Haiti was hit by a great earthquakes on 12th January. And Chile was also hit on 27th February by a huge earthquake and tsunami. The severe damage by
tsunami of the Sumatra Island occurred on 25th October is also remembered in our minds.

We sincerely hope that the earthquake damages will be reduced next year. Please find the attached group photo that shows you all the IISEE staff members. This year, new director Ando joined and Dr. Hurukawa is promoted. New research support staffs and secretaries joining IISEE in this year are
as follows; Mr. Kadowaki, Ms. Kouriki, Ms. Soejima and Ms.Shimma. We sincerely appreciate your continuing support for IISEE. We wish the New Year will be the happiest and best for you.

Shoichi ANDO & all IISEE staff members

2. 16th Global Seismological Observation Course at IISEE

The Building Research Institute carries out the "Global Seismological Observation Course" at IISEE every year on request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, GOJ since 1995. The course aims at capacity building of technology on observation/detection of the nuclear tests utilizing seismology as an international contribution to the nuclear disarmament. IISEE has trained 150 participants from 69 countries up to the present since its establishment and has been highly appreciated in the field of Japanese international cooperation and technical assistance. The 16th course will start on 13 Jan. 2011 and will continue until 11 March for almost two months. IISEE will have 10 participants from 10 countries. JICA and JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) will organize this course.


Head of Administration Division, IISEE,

Tatsuhiko HARA

Chief Research Scientist, IISEE

3. An additional Questionnaire to all ex-participants

Since year 2010 corresponds to the 50th anniversary, IISEE will evaluate the effectiveness of the training in order to strengthen our activities towards new decade based on the following data in
addition to the former data.

Question: Do you know any case in which the IISEE training helped
(A) to develop/improve earthquake/tsunami observation system
(B) to develop/improve early warning system (including tsunami)
(C) to establish, revise or implement seismic design code/standard
(D) to improve studies and/or education in engineering and seismology
(E) other specific field as (     ) in your country?
1. If you know the case(s), please select the field (mark A-E:     )
2. The name of system or code/standard (     )
3. The name of organization of the case (     )
4. Year when it was developed/improved (     )
5. The name of person who worked for (     IISEE in )
6. How the IISEE training helped for the case (as much as detailed)(     )
7. Related URL of web-site on the specific case (systems & codes) (     )
IISEE will very much appreciate your cooperation. deadline: 31 Dec. 2010.

Shoichi ANDO
Director, IISEE

4. 1st Circular of the 10th International Workshop on Seismic Microzonation and Risk Reduction (10IWSMRR)

Building Research Institute, Japan (BRI) will host the 10th International Workshop on Seismic Microzonation and Risk Reduction (10IWSMRR) from February 28th to March 2nd, 2012 together with Japan Association of Earthquake Engineering (JAEE). Please get the information from the following URL.
The participation from all over the world will be enthusiastically welcomed.

Toshiaki YOKOI
Chief Research Scientist, IISEE


We send this IISEE Newsletter to ex-participants whose e-mail addresses are known. The IISEE send you new information actively and accept your contribution at any time. In order to enlarge our IISEE network, we'd like to ask you to invite your fellow ex-participants whose e-mail addresses are unknown to us to join us. We welcome your comments about the IISEE Newsletter. Please feel free to send us your comments and opinions.

Email: iiseenews@kenken.go.jp
website: https://iisee.kenken.go.jp/en