Seismic and Tsunami Damage on Building Structures Caused by the 2011 Tohoku Japan Earthquake


Seismic design code of Japan is introduced. Some international seismic design codes are also introduced and compared with each other."Seismic and Tsunami Damage on Building Structures Caused by the 2011 Tohoku Japan Earthquake" is presented as part of the introduction of this course.


Mitsumasa MIDORIKAWA (Hokkaido University)




Outline of Seismic Provisions in the Building Standard Law of Japan.
  1. Introduction
  2. Types of Construction in Japan
  3. General Flow Chart of Seismic Design
  4. First Phase Design for Earthquakes
  5. Second Phase Design for Earthquakes
  6. Buildings for Which the Second Phase Design is not Required
  7. Outline of the Newly Revised Seismic Provisions
