Fortran 90 programming is explained and practices using PCs are
provided. Basic usages of Unix/Linux commands and GMT (Generic Mapping
Tools) are also explained, and practices are provided.
(1) Fortran
1) FORTRAN programming basics
2) Intrinsic functions
3) Do loop statement
4) Conditional statements
5) Files and formatted Input/Output
6) Arrays
7) Functions and subroutines
8) Dynamic memory allocation
(2) Unix/Linux
1) UNIX/Linux command basics
2) Handling files
3) Remote login
4) Data transfer
5) Shell script
(3) GMT
1) GMT command basics
2) Commands and options
3) Simple shell script with GMT
4) Exercises for drawing figures
1) FORTRAN programming basics
2) Intrinsic functions
3) Do loop statement
4) Conditional statements
5) Files and formatted Input/Output
6) Arrays
7) Functions and subroutines
8) Dynamic memory allocation
(2) Unix/Linux
1) UNIX/Linux command basics
2) Handling files
3) Remote login
4) Data transfer
5) Shell script
(3) GMT
1) GMT command basics
2) Commands and options
3) Simple shell script with GMT
4) Exercises for drawing figures