

IISEE NEWSLETTER NO.43 issued on Aug 28, 2009


  • Individual Course: Dr. Hesham Hussein and Dr. Sherif Mohamed from Egypt
  • The final presentation of master theses of 2008-09 Course was held
  • Update: IISEE's Aftershock Distributions and Fault Plan


1. Individual Course: Dr. Hesham Hussein and Dr. Sherif Mohamed from Egypt

Dr. Hesham Hussein Mohmed Moussa and Dr. Sherif Mohamed Elhady Aly Elnashar
from National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Egypt
stayed at the IISEE as participants in Individual Course from 14th May to
10th August 2009 with scholarship by the Ministry of Higher Education in
Egypt. Dr. Hesham Hussein studied under the theme of "Relocation of
microearthquakes in Abu Dabaab region, Egypt using Modified Joint Hypocenter
Determination Method" supervised by Dr. Hurukawa, and Dr. Sherif Mohamed
advanced his study on the subject of "Modeling of site effect parameters
using GIS techniques around greater Cairo" under Dr. Yokoi. We expect their
further steps in the future.


2. The final presentation of master theses of 2008-09 Course was held

The final presentation of master theses of 2008-09 Course was held on
24th and 25th August in IISEE. This year, 22 papers were presented in two
days. A variety of different and new themes were introduced such as
"Studying Crustal Structure Using Receiver Function Technique", "Seismic
Performance of Reinforced Concrete Walls with Electro-Welded Mesh", "W
Phase Analysis for Tsunami Warning", etc. Since many sharp questions
followed after presentations, the auditorium was filled with tension from
beginning to the end. We look forward to their further activities after
going back to their own countries. Concernig details of their theses, please
refer their Synopses that will be posted on IISEE Synopses page soon.


3. Update: IISEE's Aftershock Distributions and Fault Plan

The IISEE has updated "Earthquake Catalog: CMTs, aftershocks, fault
planes, rupture processes". "Aftershock Distributions and Fault Planes"
of 11 earthquakes during November 2004 and December 2005 have been added in
the catalog.

Nobuo Hurukawa
Director of IISEE


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Email: iiseenews@kenken.go.jp
website: https://iisee.kenken.go.jp/en